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Writer's pictureDr. Markesha Miller

Reflecting on Life

Updated: Dec 13, 2020

Healing oftentimes begins with research and discussion. This research can be done by way of self-study, and discussion can take place with others, or in the pages of your journal. Life challenges are usually caused by trauma and life experience. By taking the time to write your story and reflect on your life, you start to get out of your own way and carve out space to healthily reflect and courageously dream. Trusting yourself is incredibly important and it is also important to realize, gratitude and happiness are a choice.

When journaling think, “As I speak, I create.” Journaling can help you enter a more harmonic relationship with Self, and when a harmonious relationship to Self is cultivated the path to peace, truth, consciousness and well-being becomes clearer. With a clear mind there is great potential.

Rules on Reflecting

As you reflect on each part of your life and where you are today, it is invaluable to remember what is yours and what is not. This is important because it is a part of the human experience to take on and internalize the pain, trauma and suffering of others. As you journal, pay close attention to the experiences and situations that it is time to let go of, while giving yourself grace and compassion. Letting go of unhealthy attachments and patterns can feel daunting. Take on your challenges one at a time and be clear in your intentions before taking any action.

Right Where You Are Is Right Where You Are Supposed to Be

This is a starting point, and this very moment is a gift when you have an attitude of gratitude. Are you shoulding all over yourself? Finding acceptance for where you are right now will free you from suffering. Along with an attitude of gratitude, adopt an attitude on non-judgment as you piece together your journal entries. It will become incredibly important to thank and love yourself along the way.

Before you go deep, take some time reflect--

  • When do you feel the most harmony? This question will let you know if you are in a supportive environment. Your surroundings help create the foundation for transformation.

  • What do you need to let go of? With a consistent journal routine you will start to notice patterns. You may already know what is holding you back, in which case you might come up with some actions to start moving towards a better version of you.

  • Reflect on 3 of your greatest accomplishments. It is important to celebrate your achievements. Your accomplishments can help inspire you.

The Work

What are you manifesting in your life? It is important to reflect on your current state; write down your ideal situation or your big dreams; and then reflect on actions you can take in each area to make your dream a reality. When you are writing out your dreams, be as specific as possible-- What do you want to create? What does it feel like? What does it look like? Your dreams should inspire you.

  • Self- How do you feel about yourself? How do you feel about your personality? How do you feel about your habits? What patterns or habits do you want to change?

  • Health, Weight, Appearance- How do you feel about your body? Are you taking care of your body?

  • Love, Dating, Romance, Marriage, Sex- Are you happy in your relationship? What do you look for in your partner? What does your ideal relationship look like?

  • Spirituality- This category is self-defined. What are your spiritual practices? Do you have good spiritual hygiene practices?

  • Career- What is stopping you from starting a business? Are you satisfied in your career? What is your dream job?

  • Money- Are you satisfied with your earnings? Do you have savings? How is your money management?

  • Time- Do you value your time? Do others respect your time? What is your relationship to time? How is your time management?

  • Home- Do you like where you live? Is your home secure? Do you enjoy your space? Do you have a sanctuary? What do you need to survive?

  • Family- What is your relationship with your immediate and extended family? What are your family dynamics like?

  • Old and New Friends- Do you have good, reliable friends? Friends are like the family you choose. Do you value your friendships? Do you feel valued in your friendships?

  • Indulgent Time, Vacations, Extra Curricular Learning- Are you taking enough time to enjoy yourself? Do you have fun? What is the last thing you did for yourself?

  • Community + Contribution- Do you participate in your community?

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